
On this page, the IB accounts of all your clients are listed.

Account list

The following information is provided on each account:


The account number. Click it to view the account details.

Client ID

The partner identifier in the B2Core UI.

Contact email

The partner email.

IB Name

The partner name.

IB type

The partnership program.


The date and time when an account was created.

Account details

To view details, click the account number or pencil icon.

The page is divided into the following tabs:

Account tab

On this tab, you can view detailed information about an account.

Expand fields

The account number.


The balance on the account.

Introducing broker

The partner name.


The account type.


The date and time when an account was created.

Transactions tab

On this tab, you can view reward-related transactions made on a currently selected account.

For a detailed description of the available fields, transactions.