
On this page, you can find a list of trades executed by IB clients.

Trade list

View the following information for each trade:

Trade execution time

The date and time when a trade was executed.


The name of a trading platform.

Account type

The account type. Possible values:

  • Default

  • Payment account

  • PAMM investment account

  • PAMM master account


The number of a trading account.

Trade ID

The trade identifier on the trading platform.


The trade side: Buy or Sell.


The trade symbol.

Volume, lots

The volume traded, in lots.


The current position state: Open or Closed.


Applicable for cTrader only.

If Yes, the position was reversed as a result of the trade. For more information, refer to cTrader documentation.


The number of rewards paid for a trade.

Trade details

To view details, click the Trade execution time, Trade ID or pencil icon.

The page is divided into the following tabs:

Trade data tab

On this tab, you can view detailed information about a trade.

Expand fields
Trading platform

The name of a trading platform.

Trade account type

The account type. Possible values:

  • Default

  • Payment account

  • PAMM investment account

  • PAMM master account

Trading account

The account number of a client that has executed a trade.

Trade ID

The trade identifier on the trading platform.

Trade execution time

The date and time when a trade was executed.


The trade side: Buy or Sell.


The symbol name.

Quote Currency

The alphabetic code of a quote currency.

Contract size

The contract size.


The trade execution price.

Volume, lots

The volume traded, in lots.

Volume, USD

The volume traded, in USD.


The total amount of paid commissions.


Applicable for cTrader only.

If Yes, the position was reversed as a result of the trade. For more information, refer to cTrader documentation.

Client email

The client email.

Client ID

The client identifier.

Rewards tab

On this tab, you can view detailed information about rewards paid for a trade. This tab is empty if no trades were paid.

Expand fields

The level of a client.


The currency in which a reward was paid.


The amount of a reward.

IB name

The partner name.

IB email

The partner email.

IB type

The partnership program.


The current status of a reward payment. Possible values:

  • Done — the reward was successfully credited to a partner’s account

  • Pending — the reward was calculated, but not yet credited to a partner’s account

  • Canceled — the reward was canceled and then debited from a partner’s account


The date and time when a reward was calculated.