
On this page, you can monitor various processes running on the server.


The date and time when a process started running.

Process name

The processes with the following names are supported:

  • Clear Cache (cache) — clears cache for the specified time period.

  • Cancel Payments (cancel) — reverts reward payments.

  • Create Payments (payments) — initiates reward payments.

  • Process Payments (transactions) — processes reward transfers.

  • Run Automation (schedule) — runs consequentially the full process cycle (Sync Symbols + Sync Groups + Sync Trades + Create Payments + Process Payments + Sync Accounts).

  • Run Diagnostics (diagnostics) — runs diagnostics of IB services.

  • Sync Accounts (accounts) — runs synchronization of accounts with trading platforms.

  • Sync Groups (groups) — runs synchronization of groups with trading platforms.

  • Sync Symbols (symbols) — runs synchronization of symbols with trading platforms.

  • Sync Trades (trades) — runs synchronization of trades with trading platforms.


The amount of memory used by a process.

CPU Time

The time which it took a process to run.


The process identifier.

Exit code

The process result:

  • 0 — the process completed successfully.

  • 1 — the process wasn’t completed due to errors.

  • 2 — the process was gracefully stopped due to service maintenance.